Terms and conditions

Le Clos Céleste is managed by the company of Mr. Bertrand CAILLARD, individual entrepreneur, registered under SIRET 89419228500019 and in the Trade and Companies Register of Le Havre under number A 894 192 285 whose head office is located at 367 impasse Céleste, 76110 Érainville, France

Le Clos Céleste publishes and operates the website www.clos-celeste.com (also available in mobile version), hotel reservation site and other additional services (hereinafter the “Site”).

The purpose of these general conditions (hereinafter the “General Conditions”) is to define the terms and conditions under which LE CLOS CÉLESTE allows its customers (hereinafter the “Customer(s)”) to benefit from the all the services, in particular reservations, available on this Site and described in more detail below as the “Services”.
Prior to any reservation of a Service on the Site, the Customer declares (i) that he is acting for personal purposes which do not fall within the scope of his commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity and (ii) have full legal capacity allowing him to engage under these General Conditions.

The Customer is invited to carefully read these General Conditions, the prior acceptance of which is mandatory for the reservation of any Service offered on the Site. It is advisable for all Customers to save and print these General Conditions using the standard functionalities of their browser and computer.

LE CLOS CÉLESTE reserves the right to modify or supplement, at any time, all or part of these General Conditions. In this case, the new version of the General Conditions will be available on the Site with its date of entry into force. Customers are advised to regularly consult the General Conditions to be aware of any possible modifications. In any event, the Customer will only be bound by the version of the General Conditions in force at the time the Customer makes the reservation for his Service.

The Customer is solely responsible for paying, where applicable, all the technical means giving him access to the Site.


LE CLOS CÉLESTE offers on its Site (i) B&B booking services or and (ii) services complementary to said Services (“Additional Services”)
The Hosting Services and the Additional Services are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Le Clos Céleste Services”.


The Site allows the reservation of rooms.

The essential characteristics, the dates of availability, the price, the options offered, the payment conditions and the special conditions of sale applicable to the selected rate (guarantee policies, cancellation conditions, check-in time, member rate conditions, etc.) offered are presented during the booking process as described below.

Finally, in application of the regulations in force, the Customer may be asked, upon arrival at the Establishment, to complete a police form. To do this, the Customer will be asked to present an identity document in order to verify whether or not he must complete the police form.


The Site also allows the reservation of Additional Services, such as breakfast, a bottle of champagne on the Customer’s arrival or the upgrade of Accommodation Services.

The Additional Services also cover travel services within the meaning of Article 3.1 of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of 25 November 2015 on package travel and related travel services, which may form with the Accommodation Services either a “linked travel service” or a “tourist package” according to the criteria specified by the said Directive. This information is communicated to the Customer prior to the reservation of these services in the Special Conditions specific to each offer.


LE CLOS CÉLESTE concludes partnership and distribution contracts with third-party websites (“Partners”) in order to allow the Customer to search, select and reserve rooms distributed by LE CLOS CÉLESTE on the partner’s website (hereafter: after “Partner Services”).

The conditions of sale applicable to these Partner Services are available on the Partner’s website.

The Customer is solely responsible for his choice of Services on the Site and for their suitability for his needs, so that LE CLOS CÉLESTE cannot be held liable in this regard.
The Customer is also solely responsible for the information communicated when creating his account and/or any reservation of a Service. LE CLOS CÉLESTE cannot be held responsible in the event of erroneous or fraudulent information communicated by the Customer. In addition, only the Customer is responsible for the use of his account and for any reservation made, both in his personal name and on behalf of third parties, including minors, except to demonstrate fraudulent use resulting from no fault. , or negligence on his part. In this respect, LE CLOS CÉLESTE must be immediately notified of any misappropriation or fraudulent use of its e-mail address to customer service, the contact details of which are specified on the site.

The Customer undertakes to use the Site and the Services offered therein in compliance with the applicable regulations and these General Conditions. In the event of the Customer’s failure to fulfill his obligations under these General Terms and Conditions, the latter shall be liable for the damage caused by him to CLOS CÉLESTE or to third parties. As such, the Customer undertakes to indemnify LE CLOS CÉLESTE against all claims, actions or remedies of any kind that may result therefrom and to indemnify it for any damages, costs or compensation of any kind relating thereto.

The Customer, in particular, undertakes by making a definitive reservation for a Service, to pay the price and to comply with the Special Conditions relating thereto. In effect :
– Any reservation or payment that is irregular, ineffective, incomplete or fraudulent for a reason attributable to the Customer will result in the cancellation of the reservation of the Service at the Customer’s expense, without prejudice to any action that LE CLOS CÉLESTE may bring against this last

– The Customer must not invite into the Establishment a person whose behavior is likely to harm the Establishment.

– The Customer must not bring into the Establishment (rooms and common areas) drinks or food from outside sources, unless the Establishment has clearly authorized it in advance.

– The Customer must not smoke in the common rooms of the Establishment and may not smoke in the rooms.

– The Customer must not disturb the operation of the Establishment and must not compromise the security of the Establishment or of the people who are there.
– More broadly, any behavior contrary to good morals and public order within the Establishment as well as non-compliance with the Establishment’s Internal Regulations, will lead the Director of the Establishment and/or any other service provider Service to ask the Customer to leave the premises without any compensation and/or without any refund if payment has already been made. In the event that no payment has yet been made, the Customer must pay the price of the Services consumed before leaving the premises.
– Minors can only stay in an Establishment accompanied by an adult and in possession of a personal identity document. If the accompanying person is an adult other than the parents, he must have parental authorization from the child’s parents. The Establishment may request these elements.

– The Customer also undertakes that the computer resources made available to him by the Establishment (in particular the WiFi network) will not be used in any way for the purposes of reproduction, representation, provision or communication to the public of works or objects protected by copyright or by a related right, such as texts, images, photographs, musical works, audiovisual works, software and video games, without the authorization of the holders of the rights provided for in Books I and II of the Intellectual Property Code when this authorization is required. The Customer is also required to comply with the security policy of the Internet access provider of the Establishment, including the rules for the use of the security means implemented in order to prevent the illicit use of the resources computers and to refrain from any act that undermines the effectiveness of these means.

The Customer is responsible for all damage caused by him and/or his guests within the Establishment and bears all the costs generated by this damage and/or by non-compliance with the aforementioned rules. LE CLOS CÉLESTE reserves the right to intervene if necessary and to take any appropriate action against the Customer.

LE CLOS CÉLESTE undertakes, within the framework of an obligation of means, to provide access to the Site and the Services offered in accordance with the General Conditions and to act with diligence and competence and to make every effort, within a reasonable limit, in order to remedy any malfunction brought to its attention.

LE CLOS CÉLESTE may however find itself obliged to temporarily suspend the Site without notice, in particular for technical maintenance reasons, without this entailing its liability.

The Customer acknowledges and accepts that LE CLOS CÉLESTE cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage related to the use of the Internet network, including, without this list being exhaustive:

– the incorrect transmission and/or reception of any data and/or information on the Internet;
-failure of any receiving equipment or communication lines;
– any malfunction of the Internet network preventing the proper functioning of the Site and/or the reservation of the Services.

The Site may refer to hypertext links to other websites published and managed by third parties for which LE CLOS CÉLESTE disclaims all liability as to the content of these websites and the services offered there. In this respect, it is specified that the partners are responsible for the promotion of the offers disseminated on their own websites. The decision to consult third-party websites is therefore the full and entire responsibility of the Customer.

Neither party can be held liable to the other party in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from a case of force majeure. It is expressly agreed that force majeure suspends, for the parties, the performance of their reciprocal obligations and that each party bears the burden of the resulting costs. The cases usually recognized by the case law of the Court of Cassation are considered as cases of force majeure. If the case of force majeure were to last more than thirty (30) days from its occurrence, these General Conditions may be terminated by any of the parties without any of them being able to claim award of damages.

In the event of force majeure, an exceptional event or the impossibility of performing the Service and in particular of making the room of the Establishment reserved available to the Customer, the Establishment may reserve the possibility of hosting, totally or partially, the Customer in an Establishment of equivalent category or perform a Service of the same nature. Reasonable expenses relating to the transfer (possible additional cost of the room, transport and a telephone call) between the two Establishments are the responsibility of the Establishment initially chosen.
– For all questions related to the proper performance of a Service reserved on the Site (requests for additional information, modification or cancellation of a reservation), the Customer is invited to contact the Establishment directly: the contact details of the Establishment are indicated (i) in the e-mail and the booking confirmation page and (ii) on the Establishment page present on the Site

In its relations with customer service, the Customer undertakes to remain courteous and not to make derogatory remarks vis-à-vis in particular CLOS CÉLESTE, the establishment, or its employees or collaborators, in compliance with the rules of common sense and politeness. LE CLOS CÉLESTE reserves the right to take any appropriate action against the Customer in the event of prejudicial or reprehensible behavior (in particular annoying, malicious or insulting) with regard in particular to CLOS CÉLESTE, partners, or its employees. or collaborators.

When the Customer uses the Site, in particular when making a reservation, LE CLOS CÉLESTE implements the processing of personal data. The Customer is informed, on each of the personal data collection forms, of the mandatory or optional nature of the answers and information by the presence of an asterisk.
Failure to provide information identified as mandatory, LE CLOS CÉLESTE may not be able to register a reservation, and manage the latter’s complaints.
Thus, the information collected as part of the Customer’s reservation is intended for CLOS CÉLESTE, its partners, its service providers (in particular online payment service providers). Once the guarantees provided for by the applicable regulations have been put in place, the Customer’s data may be transferred from Europe to countries that do not ensure, from the point of view of the European Union, an equivalent level of Data protection.

The processing of personal data carried out from the Platform complies with the Regulations relating to personal data.

Regardless of the purpose or legal basis under which we process your data, you can therefore send us an email at any time and at no cost to benefit from your rights at the following address:

In order to secure payment transactions, LE CLOS CÉLESTE, via its partners Amenitiz, AmenitizPay and stripe, in particular implements the processing of personal data intended to determine the level of risk of fraud associated with each transaction. On this occasion, LE CLOS CÉLESTE may use the services provided by the CLOS CÉLESTE service provider in terms of risk prevention to refine their analysis. Depending on the results of the analyzes carried out, LE CLOS CÉLESTE may take security measures, in particular asking the Customer to use another booking channel or another method of payment. These measures will have the effect of suspending the execution of the reservation or, if the result of the analysis does not guarantee the security of the order, of canceling it.
The Customer may at any time exercise the rights available to him under the regulations on the protection of personal data.

The entry of the required banking information as well as the acceptance of these General Conditions and the Special Conditions by electronic means constitutes an electronic contract between the parties which is worth proof between the parties of the reservation of the Service and the exigibility of the sums due in execution. of said reservation.
The applicable General Conditions express the entirety of the obligations of the parties. No other condition communicated by the Customer may be included.

If one or more stipulations of the General Conditions are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a decision passed into force of res judicata by a competent jurisdiction, the other stipulations will retain all their force and scope.

The authentic language is French. If the General Conditions were to be translated into a foreign language, the French language will prevail over any other translation in the event of a dispute, dispute, difficulty in interpreting or executing these conditions and more generally concerning the relationship between the parties.
The Customer acknowledges and accepts that LE CLOS CÉLESTE may assign these General Terms and Conditions, as well as all the rights and obligations attached thereto, to any third party, without the prior written consent of the Customer. The Customer accepts that such an assignment releases LE CLOS CÉLESTE for the future.

In accordance with article L.223-1 of the Consumer Code, the consumer who does not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by telephone can register free of charge on a list of opposition to cold calling. This list is accessible via the following site: www.bloctel.gouv.fr.

The General Conditions are governed by French law, without obstructing any mandatory protective provisions that may be applicable in the consumer’s country of residence.
The Customer is informed by LE CLOS CÉLESTE of the possibility of having recourse, in the event of a dispute relating to these General Conditions, to a conventional mediation procedure or to any other alternative method of dispute resolution, under the conditions provided for in Title I of the Book VI of the Travel Consumer Code.

LE CLOS CÉLESTE also informs the Customer of the existence of a European Online Dispute Resolution (“ODR”) platform which he can use. The Customer can access it from the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/</ a>.

July 1, 2022 version